Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Big Day

It's almost here!  Finger's crossed, I'll be running this Friday.  I turned my ankle last weekend, but I think it should be all healed by weeks end.  The bod's a little soft after a few days off, but I think I'm just gonna go for it.  I want this thing done!

So, now I need your help.  Many of you have offered to run portions of the race, ride along etc.  Let me know if you're still in, and we can figure out the logistics this week.  Also, if you haven't donated yet, please do.  We are really close to the goal.  Counting donations and pledges we've raised ~$4800 so far, and your donation could make the difference.  I'll even sweeten the deal.  Continuing the theme of Cincy love, the person's donation that puts us over the hump will get a free pint of the world's best ice cream, Graeter's (flavor of your choice).  I'm ordering some for the finish line :)